Thursday 31 January 2013

Valentines Day Surprise


No one knows the day or the hour, however we were commanded to Watch regardless.

( Rev 3:3 Matt 24:43 )

An interesting worded prophecy was posted by Mary Clark in Marianna, Florida USA, entitled "A Valentine Surprise For You" date 14 February 2006. This prophecy seems to suggest that this is an important day to watch. The year is not known so I have been watching this date every year with keen interest since 2006.

Like the bible, this prophecy and the date might be a parable for a different calendar, like 14/02 on the Julian Calendar, the Hebrew calendar as used by Israel or the little known true bible calendar dictated by the seasons and the moon.


A Valentine Surprise For You
Mary Clark
February 14, 2006

I wish to give a Valentine surprise to all of My children this year. I wish for you to take it into your heart with the intent to draw closer to Me. Will you? Will you accept My surprise - My gift of love, and draw closer to Me?
I want you to know that I am the Giver of the finest gifts, and I delight in blessings My dear children with these gifts. In the days ahead you will notice something different occurring in your midst. You will recognize it as a gift from your Savior. Take it with a thankful heart, and know that it is to My delight to give it to you. It is to My delight to see you thrilled with this gift, and it will be to your delight to walk in the knowledge that this gift brings to you.
I have something wonderful for you, beloved. It is a quality-filled gift of My most pronounced love coming to your heart . Receive it with thankfulness and know, dear one, that one who is walking, seeking after the heart of the Beloved, will never be disappointed. This gift of My love will be renewed daily - daily, beloved, for it is a gift that will enhance your walk and lead you into a place of wonder in Me - a place of wonder where you will look on the enrichment that it brings and clap your hands with glee, knowing that your Beloved has truly expressed His love and devotion, and delights in moving you closer into that rich qualify of life that I foreordained for your existence.


With Valentines Day Thursday 14 February 2013 coming up in two weeks, will be the first watch among all the possibilities for the year 2013.

At the following link you will find even more prophecies on Valentines Day that really makes one think, this must indeed be an important date to watch each year.

The Watchman

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